The Online Shradh Puja for Pitra Dosha, which is performed LIVE by Astrologer Arun Pandit, has the potential to cleanse the devotee of all sins and bestow him or her with the divine’s best blessings. With the Pitra Dosha Puja for Soul Liberation at Astrologer Arun Pandit, you can pray for your ancestors’ well-being and Aatma Shanti () and seek their affection in order to have a happy and fruitful life.
Our forefathers and mothers have a subtle but significant impact in the path of our lives. Even after they have passed on to the heavenly abode, our ancestors and their karmic accounts remain inextricably linked to us, preparing the path for difficulties and sufferings in our lives. The ancestral debt is far too large to be paid without the use of astrological remedies, hence it is necessary to undertake the sacred ritual of Pitra Dosha Nivaran Puja once a year in order to achieve peace and happiness in life.
Note: This pooja is performed in strict accordance with all Vedic rules & rituals as prescribed in the Holy Scriptures.
Everyone has a different problem and hence different puja will help you, So In order to get fast and better results you must consult great astrologer Arun Pandit before opting for any puja.
For any queries related to Puja feel free to call or whatsapp +91 86048 02202