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Today's Panchang

Indian Vedic Astrology is based on precisely made calculations and for centuries ithas helped us to predict disruptive changes much ahead of time. A crucial element of these calculations is Panchang which, just like any other calendar, tells about the tithi, vaar and planetary positions. It is a much detailed calendar that throws light on important information about the day. Let’s understand the usage of Panchang in detail.

What is Panchang?

Panchang as the name suggests comprises 5 aspects. It is an astrological calendar that is aligned with the Hindu calendar. One of the prominent Vedic astrology concepts, this calendar shows the position and movement of planets on a daily basis. It is helpful to determine muhurat, tithi etc. that help to know about festivals, vrats and other important events like eclipses. It is recommended to initiate a task considering the panchang. Every day there are shubh muhurats as well as phases like the rahu kaal. If one plans the day keeping in mind the panchang, the chances of success of the person increase multifold. Since minor changes in muhurat can impact the outcome of the work done during that duration, it is important to refer to an panchang developed by a reliable astrologer since it is based on minute calculations.

Panchang covers various details ranging from time of sunrise to nakshatra. But the primary 5 aspects of Panchang are – day of the week (vaar); tithi or the lunar day; nakshatra or the constellation; yoga; and karan.

Panchang For Today

Panchang For Today


Shubh Muhurat 2024

Marriage Muhurat 2024

Ghriha pravesh Muhurat 2024

Mundan Muhurat 2024

Vehicles Purchase Muhurat 2024

Naam Karan Muhurat 2024

Annaprashan Muhurat 2024

How does Panchang help in planning the day?

If you have ever been told to do a particular task at a specific time, you have already used Panchang. From naamkaran (ceremony of giving name to a child) to the muhurat of a person’s marriage, studying panchang has been key to coming up with the time. The position of planets, tithi, nakshatra etc help in identifying the time when performing the rituals will be most beneficial. It’s not limited to religious events, you can know the best time to launch your business or buy a vehicle or move into a new house through panchang.

Panchang or the Hindu calendar is the most comprehensive calendar. It gives you information about things which no other calendar can suggest. It doesn’t help change the natural forces that govern the world but just like a weather forecast can help us when to take our raincoats along to protect from the thunder and rain.

How to understand Panchang?

Understanding the panchang is not very tough when it comes to basic knowledge but learned astrologers can definitely suggest many detailed points to adhere to. Discussed below are the five elements of panchang –

1. Vaar (Day)
Each day of the week is ruled by a planet. For instance, Sunday is ruled by Sun, Monday is ruled by Moon, Tuesday by Mars and so on. The connection of the ruling planet and the deity associated with it has been referred to for centuries to pray, fast and perform other rituals.

2. Tithi
Hindu calendar or panchang divides the month into two phases namely krishna paksha and shukla paksh. Krishna Paksh as the name suggests is when the nights are dark i.e. the moon is decreasing in size and contrary to it is the Shukla Paksha i.e. the moon is getting stronger. A 12 degree change in the position of the moon represents one tithi. There are 30 tithi in one month. It can also be called a lunar day. However, the tithi does not start with the sunrise or end with sunset. It can start at any point of time in the day. Most festivals fall on the purnima (full moon) or amavasya (no moon) tithis of the month. These tithis are further classified into 5 categories – Nanda, Bhadra, Jaya, Rikta and Poorna. Nanda is for joy and happiness, Bhadra is good to start new work, Jaya represents auspicious time for victory, Rikta is not a favourable one and Poona is considered good to do any kind of work.
3. Nakshatra
There are 27 nakshatra (constellations) as per hindu panchang and each is governed by a specific Lord. In Vedic astrology, for the better understanding of the 12 zodiac signs, they were further divided into 27 parts. Each nakshatra contains thirteen degrees and twenty minutes of the zodiac. Further, there are three categories of Nakshatra – Dev, Manushya and Rakshas.
4. Yoga
Yoga means addition and represents the addition of the position of Sun and Moon. There are 27 yogas in total and represent some characteristics of personality as follows
● Vishakumbha – Triumph – (The native conquers adversaries, acquires wealth and property.)
● Preeti – Joyful – (The native is popular and alluring to the opposite gender.)
● Aayushman – Enduring – (The native Enjoys longevity and enthusiasm for life.)
● Saubhagya – Prosperity – (Native leads a fulfilled life with abundant opportunities and happiness.)
● Shobhana – Allure – (Person is sensual and passionate about intimate relationships.)
● Atiganda – Peril – (Native faces life challenges and potential accidents.)
● Sukarma – Abundance – (Engages in honorable endeavors, achieves generosity and success.)
● Dhriti – Enjoyment – (Finds pleasure in life, cherishes time with partners, and indulges in pampering.)
● Shoola – Contentious – (Prone to arguments and anger.)
● Ganda – Concern – (Slightly flawed in principles)
● Vriddhi – Insight – (Intellectual, progresses with age.)
● Dhruva – Steadfast – (Possesses a stable personality and unwavering focus.)
● Vyaghaata – Intense – (Unkind and may inflict harm on others.)
● Harshana – Delight – (Intellectual and finds pleasure in cheerfulness and humor.)
● Vajra – Authority – (Tends towards wealth, sensuality, and forcefulness.)
● Siddhi – Achievement – (Multi-talented, supportive of others’ endeavors.)
● Vyatipaata – Adversity – (Faces unexpected setbacks and instability.)
● Variyaana – Opulence – (Favors comfort and luxury, passionate yet lazy.)
● Parigha – Obstacle – (Encounters numerous challenges, short-tempered)
● Shiva – Benevolence – (Earns favor from elders and authorities, calm and knowledgeable.)
● Siddha – Accomplished – (Generous, righteous, and interested in traditions.)
● Saaddhya – Mediation – (Exhibits manners and politeness.)
● Shubha – Auspicious – (Possesses a radiant body but faces health challenges)
● Shukla – Radiant – (Talkative and unreliable, with a fickle mind.)
● Brahma – Trustworthy – (Truthful, ambitious, and possessing good judgment.)
● Indra – Leadership – (Curious about learning, helpful, and prosperous.)
● Vaidhriti – Divisive – (Dangerous, influential and irresistible in both mind and body.)
5. Karan
Each tithi is divided into two parts known as karans. In total, there are 11 karans. The four fixed karans occur only once a month. These are – Kintughna, Chatushpada, Sakuni and Naga. Rest seven (Bava, Balava, Kaulava, Taitila, Gara, Vanija and Vishti) are not fixed and called movable. Out of all these Vishtiis considered the most inauspicious. The impact of different karan is different on individuals and only learned astrologers can help understand its impact on your life in detail.

The above 5 elements combined with the positioning of planets in your horoscope can help make accurate predictions about the events in your life. In general as well, keeping in mind the shubh and ashubh times of the day can save you from a lot of trouble. Hence it is important to refer to panchang on an everyday basis.

Frequently Asked Questions

Panchang is your go-to Hindu calendar. It’s not just about dates; it’s a detailed guide that tells you about auspicious times, festivals, and planetary movements. Astrologers and pandits have referred to it for centuries to suggest favourable time and date to perform important functions of life.

A Panchang tells you about lunar days (Tithis), star constellations (Nakshatras), lucky periods (Yogas), and more. Most people check it to know the Raahu kal of the day and in case of a death, if panchak was applicable or not.

It’s like having a wise friend whispering in your ear about the best times to start something new or when to hold off. It helps you plan your day, ceremonies, and rituals wisely.

Definitely, Panchang predictions are based on ancient wisdom and calculations. The challenge lies in how accurately you can understand it. There are experts who can tell fabulous details about a day through panchang and there are people who can’t decipher

You might need a bit of guidance from astrologers or experts to decode what the stars are saying. It is recommended to either learn the basics of astrology to make the most of it or seek the guidance of an expert when making important decisions in life.

Absolutely! Panchang is your celestial event planner. It helps you pick the perfect time for life’s big moments. The purpose of Indian astrology is to use mathematical calculations for a better life and panchang is the primary tool for it.

Yes, Panchang varies from region to region. Different traditions mean different
interpretations. You can choose which one to follow. The essence of all of them is essentially
the same but different interpretations of different celestial happenings can lead to a
difference in overall outcome.

Yep, welcome to the digital age! There are plenty of apps and websites that offer Panchang info at your fingertips. You can check your daily panchang at Astro Arun PanditΒ 

Well, a Panchang gives you the big picture, but for the finer details, you might want to consult an astrologer like Arun Pandit Ji.