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Weekly Horoscope

Leo Weekly Horoscope

13 May 2024 - 19 May 2024

For individuals born under the Leo sign, this week will be beneficial. This week, the divine planet Jupiter will be positioned in your tenth house, which will have a favourable impact on your career, leading you towards success. This period is also excellent for students of this sign. Additionally, unemployed individuals or those seeking employment may receive good news regarding the fruition of their hard work.


If you are involved in business, it is possible that an external individual expresses an interest in associating with your business. In such a situation, it is advisable to seek advice from a specialist before making any decision. Additionally, the simultaneous presence of Mercury, Sun, and Venus in the ninth house at the beginning indicates a stroke of luck for you. This will work to provide you with fortunate opportunities, and even a little effort on your part will lead to immense success.


However, as soon as the Sun moves out of the ninth house and enters your tenth house on May 14th, new opportunities can arise in your career. Additionally, this week, the presence of Mars and Rahu in your eighth house could cause some health issues for you. Therefore, it is advised that you take precautions to protect yourself from ailments, especially blood-related disorders.

In family life as well, you will receive good support from your younger siblings this week. However, the presence of the karmic planet Saturn in the seventh house suggests that individuals involved in partnership-related activities should proceed with caution.

Love and Marriage

For lovers born under the Leo sign, this week is likely to remain run-of-the-mill. It’s possible that you may not meet your lover’s expectations during this time. There’s a concern that you might be overly busy this week, making it difficult for you to spend enough time with your beloved. Consequently, your partner may express dissatisfaction and may even get upset with you. In such a situation, try to communicate and talk to your partner on the phone as much as possible.

Meanwhile, if you are married, this week is also likely to be average for your marital life. Because Saturn will be positioned in your seventh house this week, you may encounter some problems in your personal life. During this period, you might bring the stress from your professional life home and be seen arguing with your spouse. Additionally, there may be sharpness observed in your speech. In such a situation, maintain control over your speech.


REMEDY: Offer water to Lord Sun and recite Aditya Hridya Strotram while doing it.