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Weekly Horoscope

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

13 May 2024 - 19 May 2024

For Scorpio natives, this week will be excellent. At the beginning of the week, Jupiter, the lord of fortune, will be positioned in your seventh house, which will bring favourable outcomes in career for those engaged in business. They will be seen adopting new strategies and approaches with new plans regarding their business, resulting in favourable results in their careers.


Especially for those who are involved in any business related to education, this time is going to be quite auspicious for them. Additionally, this week will bring success to students in receiving full support from their teachers. This will help resolve any difficulties they are facing in understanding certain lessons or subjects. In such a scenario, make the most of this period and focus solely on your studies.


Now, talking about careers, those who are unemployed or searching for a new job will find their search fulfilled this week. Likewise, individuals working in the government sector may be able to transfer according to their wishes this week. Furthermore, at the beginning of this week, the presence of Mercury, Sun, and Venus in your sixth house indicates that health-related issues that have been troubling you will be resolved. Especially for those aged over 45 who have been suffering from any illness, this week brings some relief.

During this week, on May 14th, as soon as the Sun moves from Aries to Taurus, you will see progress in your professional endeavours. However, the simultaneous presence of Mars and Rahu in your fifth house and aspecting the eleventh house may increase some expenses for you. In such a situation, it is advisable to control your increasing expenses in a timely manner.

Love and Marriage

When it comes to love relationships for Scorpio natives, this week will be mixed for you. The conjunction of Mars and Rahu in the fifth house may create some deep doubts in your relationship with your loved one. During this time, there may also be aggression in your speech. Therefore, as much as possible, control your speech and avoid using offensive language with your partner.

However, if you are married, this week will be favourable for your marital life. Because this week, Jupiter, the planet of auspiciousness, will be positioned in your seventh house. As a result, you will experience happiness while going on a pilgrimage with your partner this week. This will be the time when your spouse, by fulfilling their responsibilities properly, will make you feel proud. This will make you realise that there is no better person for you than your life partner. Married couples who are aspiring to have children will also be blessed with that happiness.


REMEDY: Perform the recitation of Sundara Kanda with your family at home.