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Virgo Monthly Horoscope: July 2024

Virgo Monthly Horoscope 2024 For Health

For Virgo natives, this month is expected to be mixed in terms of health. The aspect of Saturn on your sixth house this month may affect your health negatively. You may be troubled by old illnesses during this time. You could also be prone to accidents this month. It is advisable to avoid long journeys during this period.

In the first half of the month, the Sun and Venus will aspect your fourth house. As a result, your mother may get relief from an old illness. Mercury will move from Cancer to Leo on July 19th. Mercury will aspect your sixth house. During this time, there will be an improvement in your health, although you will need to take care of your skin.

Virgo Monthly Horoscope 2024 For Career

The month of July 2024 looks promising for Virgo sign natives in terms of career. This month, the Sun and Venus will be positioned in your tenth house. As a result, new avenues for advancement will open up for those working in the private sector. It’s also a favourable month for those seeking a job change. Your reputation will increase in the workplace during this time. Your seniors will support you. During this period, you will overcome your enemies and move ahead.

Natives working in the government sector will achieve recognition through hard work at this time. Some individuals may also have the opportunity for a desired transfer this month. It’s also going to be a good month for business owners. During this time, an unfamiliar person may propose to collaborate with you in your business. Before making any major decisions, be sure to seek advice from experienced individuals. Your commitments will be fulfilled on time, leading to success in attracting customers.

Speaking of student natives, during the first half of the month, Mercury’s aspect will fall on your fifth house. As a result, you will progress in your career by making intelligent decisions. During this time, you will also receive full support from your teachers.

Virgo Monthly Horoscope 2024 For Finance

July 2024 is going to be very good for Virgo natives. In the first half of the month, Mercury will be positioned in your eleventh house, which represents income, and Mars will also aspect your eleventh house. As a result, new avenues of income will open up in your life. With the help of luck, your stalled work will start progressing. There are also chances of sudden financial gains for you this month. You can also expect to recover stuck funds during this month.

You should avoid lending money to anyone at this time because the chances of getting it back are quite low. This month, the aspect of Jupiter, the planet of wealth and prosperity, will be on your fourth house. As a result, you will enjoy physical comforts and luxuries during this time.

On July 7, Venus will transit Cancer, followed by the Sun on July 16. This transit of the Sun and Venus will be in your eleventh house in the latter half of the month. This transit is likely to fill your financial life with happiness. During this time, you will gain wealth from the work you are currently engaged in. There are also chances of financial gains from abroad during this time.

Virgo Monthly Horoscope 2024 For Love And Married Life

In the first half of this month, Mercury’s aspect is on your fifth house. In this situation, you will make intelligent decisions regarding love and progress in your love life. Some natives may even propose to change their relationship into a love marriage. Meanwhile, due to the transit of the Sun and Venus, both planets will aspect your fifth house. This will strengthen and sweeten your relationship. Some natives may also receive new love proposals this month.

However, this month will be troublesome for married individuals. With Rahu positioned in your seventh house, you may doubt your spouse during this time. There could be misunderstandings and tensions in your relationship. You may feel that your spouse is not concerned about you, but ultimately, with the support of Jupiter, the Guru of luck, you will overcome all kinds of problems.

Virgo Monthly Horoscope 2024 For Family Life

For Virgo natives, this month will be a mix of good and challenging experiences. In the first half of the month, Mars will aspect your second house, which could lead to some natives feeling proud, which could cause problems for you in the future. It’s important for you to control your speech during this time.

This month, your younger siblings will stand by you in every situation. You can enjoy material comforts and luxuries this month. If you are trying to sell any property, there is a possibility of the deal happening this month. With the help of luck, your stalled work will start progressing this month.



  1. On Friday, offer kheer as a prasad to Goddess Lakshmi. 
  2. On Wednesday, feed green fodder to a cow. 
  3. Every day, feed flour to black ants.